Smart Water Shop is your one-stop shop for Rainwater Tank supplies, service, and professional advice. Whether you’re looking for a package ready to install, or a customised system perfect for your personal project, we can help you. Smart Water Shop has an extensive range of Rainwater products, both online and in-store, including but not limited to:
Under Deck Tanks
Under Deck (or Under-House) Tanks are the best option for properties which may be lacking external space, such as a backyard or garden. These tanks are specifically designed to fit under your deck or house, yet they work in much the same way as a standard domestic tank, allowing rainwater to be harvested, stored, and utilised at a later time. The one main difficulty with Under-Deck Tanks arises during the installation process, as access to the top of the tank becomes restricted. To ensure debris and contaminants are unable to enter your water source, it is strongly recommend that suitable filtration devices are installed alongside the tank. Under-Deck tanks come in a number of different materials to ensure their efficiency and fit in any space – from rigid, polyethylene tanks which remain the same size, to the bladder design which allows easy movement and will only reach maximum size once full of water.
Smart Water Shop offers a range of quality Under-Deck Tanks, including those made by Melro, All Weather, ecosac and reosac.