Smart Water Shop is your one-stop shop for Recycled Water supplies, service, and professional advice. Whether you’re looking for a package ready to install, or a customised system perfect for your personal project, we can help you. Smart Water Shop has an extensive range of Recycled Water products, both online and in-store, including but not limited to:
Grey Water Systems
With rain so scarce in many parts of Australia during certain times of the year, it’s important to make use of what little water we have. One of the best solutions to these issues is rainwater tanks, but unfortunately, rain isn’t available all year around. In these cases, installing and relying on a Grey Water System can be most beneficial for ensuring your gardens stay hydrated and toilets keep flushing without utilising precious drinking water.
Greywater is the waste water from showers, baths, spas, hand basins, laundry tubs, and washing machines (these outlets contain less chemicals, fats, and organic materials compared to water expelled by dishwashers and toilets.) It’s estimated that just over half of the household water used could be recycled as greywater, saving potentially hundreds of litres of water per day.
Smart Water Shop offer a range of quality Greywater and Recycled Water Systems guaranteed to help you save money on water use.